CTGi is COVID Safe
COVID Safe Compliance
The Campbelltown Theatre Group Inc. is a registered COVID safe business. In addition to other Terms and Conditions, and Policies, we enforce the additional clauses. In any cases where the following contradicts any policies or terms and conditions, the following take precedent.
Working for CTG
To ensure the WHS of all cast and crew at CTG it is still compulsory for all those working or volunteering to be double vaccinated or hold a valid exemption to ensure the best protection under WHS Guidelines recommended by Safe Work Australia. Vaccination status will be checked and recorded but and not retained.
Conditions of Entry
The safety of our community is of paramount importance. We have put measures in place to prioritise the health and wellbeing of everyone. You are not permitted to enter the Town Hall Theatre Campbelltown if you:
are experiencing any flu-like symptoms (sore throat, runny nose, persistent cough, shortness of breath, fever)
have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 (during the period of time in which the virus is contagious)
are awaiting the results of a test for COVID-19
reside with anyone who is awaiting the results of a test for COVID-19
​All visitors are asked to sanitise their hands on arrival and exercise appropriate social distancing practices while on site.
Ticketing Terms and Conditions
Patrons acknowledge the venue may be required by law to provide contact information to public health officers on request.
The Venue will not share this contact information with any third party other than the relevant health authority, and will not use the information for promotional purposes.
Patrons must not attend if they have COVID-19 related symptoms, have been in close contact with a person who is COVID-19 positive, or are COVID-19 positive.
Patrons must not attend if they are required to self-isolate and the event falls within the isolation period according to the current NSW Health Guidelines.
Refunds or exchange of tickets will be available to any customer who is unable to attend due to COVID-19 related symptoms and/or required to self-isolate (due to being a confirmed case or is a close contact of a confirmed case) and the event falls within the isolation period.
Patrons agree to abide by all social distancing and health protocols.
Patrons agree to follow the instructions of venue staff at all times.
If patrons do not comply with protocols or authorised requests and who are noisy, drunk, threatening, unruly or disrupt a performance, who are in use or possession of prohibited objects, or fail to produce concession ID and/or a senior card as appropriate when on the venue premises will be asked to leave immediately without refund or further recourse.
The right is reserved to vary, substitute or withdraw advertised programs, artists, venue and seating arrangements as necessary. Performances may be cancelled or rescheduled as required due to Covid outbreaks or restrictions.
Disclaimer: Patrons acknowledge that while the venue has taken all reasonable health and safety precautions to keep the audience, staff and performers safe, patrons enter the venue at their own risk without recourse to claim against the venue regarding health outcomes.